This and That

Thursday, January 28, 2016

A Picture Tutorial of a Small Fairy Garden

I showed you how to make a fairy garden fountain and the videos of creating a fairy garden against an existing structure.  Today I thought I would share the first fairy garden I made.  It all began quite by accident.  I was going to make a planter for a bonsai tree.  The foam fell, lesson 1. don't pile it too high, and the idea of the fairy garden was born.  This first picture is the foam without any detail.

I know, my husband said the same thing, it looks like a cake with run away  I spray painted it and thought the little area to the right would made a great "pond" so this next picture shows how I painted it.

Starting to look like something.   Then I took some colored glass and a little bridge and made my pond.

You can see that I added a gnome, a door, and window on the front.  I have a picture, following, showing that up close.

I then built a "park" on top, added my bonsai and a wizard and walla....a new fairy garden.

I hope this gives some incentive to give it a try.  I found, in shopping, that the cottages and houses are very expensive and you still have to build the garden around them.  By using the foam, I've learned to incorporate it all into one.      Enjoy your day and be sure to look for the magic!! It's everywhere!!!


  1. I love it. It looks so easy, and I would love to make one for my daughters wedding next month. I know she would love it.

    1. A wedding anything is very doable. Think of the theme of her wedding....and it can be done :-)

    2. It will also last a very long time :-)

  2. I adore it. The only hing I would do different is use matte paint. :)

    1. Thank you :-) It's different and I like that. After the first project, I did switch to a more flat paint. Being my first try at it.... I was excited and wanted The magic. Learned a lot about painting with spray paint. I'd never done that before. I did a few that were actually too flat..and had to learn a with the fountain. :-)
