Not exactly the place you'd want to invite "friends" to visit. LOL. I started by working the dirt and then putting in some bulbs. I have Dahlia's and along the front side and Beard Dianthus along the back. Also along the back I planted some Sunflowers. These will take awhile to grow so I needed some plants for the front.
You can barley see them but they're there. These will grow to approx. 4' tall, Sunflowers.
In front of the sunflowers will be the Beard Dianthus. It will give a nice layered look.
In the front I planted the Blue Butterfly Shrub and also the Pink Whirling Butterflies.
My husband bought a Jalapeno bush while we were out so I planted it out there too. It will only last until it finishes producing the peppers.
I planted some Mother of a Million Tears (catcus) on each side of it. As this plant grows it will produce plenty of babies that I can plant in various places along the new "river". And I added some whimsy to complete the front. A little bistro set, some stones for the walkway to the Hobbit House, and a Gnome.
On this end I added a little "pond" with some chickens enjoying a cool drink and another gnome and walkway to the fairy house. I love the magic.A splash of blue aquarium rock makes a nice river look.
And of course, every river needs a little bridge.
The gals kept a close eye on me to see what I was doing to their landscape. A friend suggested they might have been thinking "Mom likes to dig in the dirt too"....they are right ...grin.
Eventually there will be an arbor in front with a sky vine to make an inviting entrance. That's my dirt for today. The magic is everywhere, if you look for it.